ex6eed system
The EX6EED System is the Resilience transformation system we use in our Elite Resilience Training Programs.
Energy defines resilience, and depending on the player's or team's energy level, different levels of resilience are achieved.
First Law of Thermodynamics forms the foundation of the EX6EED SYSTEM.
This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

1. energy

Each soccer player is a complete energy system, and every soccer team is also a complete energy system comprised of the energy of its players. These Energy Systems can operate in either High-frequency (GAMMA - BETA) or Low to Medium frequency (DELTA - THETA - ALPHA) brainwaves, depending on their energy levels. High-frequency brainwaves are associated with a high level of resilience, while low-frequency brainwaves are associated with a low level of resilience.
EX6EED recognizes seven (7) levels of resilience, each associated with a different physical material.





Resilience Calibration Index (R.C.I) assessment report, provides clear information about player's or team's current level of resilience.
The results of this report are the baseline for the Energy Transformation process through EX6EED SYSTEM.
The EX6EED SYSTEM identifies four (4) Resilience Leadership styles, each associated with different levels of resilience:
The Resilience Leadership Profile and the Resilience Leadership Stress Profile for each individual player and team is a combination of these four (4) Resilience Leadership styles.
Through the Energy Transformation process, the EX6EED SYSTEM helps athletes and teams develop strong GAME CHANGER Leadership profiles.

3. energy

Energy transformation occurs in an energy system every time a thought becomes an action.
The Elite Resilience Leadership Training Program helps players and teams transform their energy, resilience, and leadership styles to higher levels by learning to control their thoughts.
FOUNDATION Module: Players learn the fundamental principles of Resilience Leadership and how to LEAD themselves.
DEVELOPMENT Module: Players learn about the four (4) Resilience Leadership styles and how to develop a strong GAME CHANGER leadership profile, ultimately learning to LEAD their teams.
MASTERY Module: Players learn the habits of a Game Changer Leader and how to apply these habits in their daily practice, ultimately learning to LEAD the game on and off the soccer field.